酒店室内设计 Hotel Interior Design
  • 设计启动 酒店建筑规划的室内设计顾问 Design initiation, the interior design consulting of hotel architectural planning.
  • 概念设计 对综合性的项目进行可行性分析,总平规划 Conception design, to analysis the feasibility of a comprehensive project and make the master plan.
  • 方案设计 对酒店设计及技术上的深化 Conceptual design, to proceed with the hotel interior design technically.
  • 扩初设计 这个阶段是方案和实施设计的衔接阶段 Preliminary design, connecting the conceptual design phase and the implementation phase
  • 施工图设计 完善方案设计阶段细节,达到实施目的 Drawing design, to perfect the details of conceptual design and achieve the goal of implementation
  • 设计服务 现场实施及协调 Design service, the implementation and coordination on the site of the project.
软装设计 Soft Decoration Design
  • 家具设计(固装、活动家具设计) Furniture design
  • 布艺设计(墙布、窗帘、硬包) Fabric design
  • 灯光设计 Lighting design
  • 饰品设计(画、花卉、饰品) Ornament design
  • 地毯设计 Carpet design
  • 酒店软装、招标配合 Bidding cooperation of soft decoration design
材料选购顾问 Material Procurement Consulting
  • 家具(固装、活动)采购顾问 fixed furniture and movable furniture
  • 五金采购顾问 hardware fittings
  • 石材、砖、特殊地板采购顾问 stone, tile or specific floor
  • 灯具采购顾问 lamps
  • 洁具采购顾问 sanitary fittings
  • 窗帘、布艺、墙纸采购顾问 curtains, fabric, and wallpaper
  • 招标技术采购顾问 technical procurement bidding